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The Most Common Hair Transplant Questions

Your Most Common Hair Transplant Questions Answered

The Most Common Hair Transplant Questions

Men and women alike take great pride in their hair. It’s understandable, then, why hair loss can be so devastating. One option that men and women both have that will help replace the hair they have lost is to get a hair transplant. Hair transplantation procedures (like PRP injections or the FUE or Strip methods) have made many advancements over the past few decades. Understandably, those curious about hair transplantation have a few questions about it. Take a look below to see the most frequently asked hair transplant questions and their answers.

How does hair transplant work?

In most cases, the procedure takes the follicles from the back of the head that are resistant to balding and move them to the areas where the hair is thinning or gone completely. This helps to give the areas with reduced hair the chance to grow hair again since those follicles did not have the same issues as the ones where baldness has occurred.

Does it look natural?

This procedure looks so natural that your hairdresser will even have a hard time seeing the difference. It’s most common that no one knows you’ve had a hair transplant unless you tell them first. You must be sure that the person performing your hair transplant is highly trained and experienced. That can make all the difference in receiving a natural look or one that is obvious.

Will it hurt and how long does the procedure take?

In typical situations, this procedure can be done as an outpatient procedure and takes close to a full day depending on how many graphs need to be done. Typically, you will arrive in the morning at the transplant center and be at home by that afternoon.

As far as pain goes, you’ll receive a local anesthetic before the procedure starts and you shouldn’t feel any pain or discomfort throughout the procedure. As with any procedure, you may feel tenderness or soreness at the sight of the graphs afterwards.

How long until the hair grows back?

One of the main hair transplant questions is: after the procedure, how long before you can see your hair growth? With most situations, you can expect to see hair growth within three to five months’ time after the procedure has been performed. The hair begins to grow in thinly but within a year after the procedure you’re going to have a head of full, thick hair where the transplants took place.

Having a hair transplant can help to restore your confidence in your looks and get you back to living a normal life with a head full of hair. Contact Vargas Face & Skin Center to learn how a hair transplant can help you feel back to yourself in no time. You’ll feel young, vibrant, and confident again soon with these amazing services. Schedule your hair restoration consultation today!

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