People have long relied on tanning beds as a convenient way to get that fresh-from-the-beach…
New Innovations in Plastic Surgery from the AACS Annual Scientific Meeting
The Annual Scientific Meeting for the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery (AACS) –
which is typically held in January each year – is an opportunity to conference, share, and learn from some of the best and the brightest in the cosmetic surgery field. The 29th Annual Conference, which ran from January 15th through the 19th at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, drew attendees from across the globe. In attendance were such notables as Dr. Patrick Trevidic, a foremost plastic, reconstructive, and aesthetic surgeon from the Hôpital Sainte-Anne in Paris, and Dr. André Vieira Braz, a clinical dermatologist and dermatologic surgeon from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
One of the themes for the 29th AACS Conference was Global Innovations in Cosmetic Surgery, a topic of great importance to Vargas Face and Skin Center practice. Dr. Hannah Vargas attended all four days of AACS meetings and curriculum to learn about the latest innovations, products, services, and techniques. In her return, she brought a wealth of knowledge back to her patients and staff at Vargas Face and Skin, as well as product information from a selection of exhibitors whose product lines will be a great benefit to her patients at Vargas Face and Skin.
Of the many conferences attended, the two that Dr. Vargas found to be most interesting were the Stem Cell Symposium on Wednesday the 16th and the Innovations in Hair Restoration Surgery on the next day.
The Stem Cell Symposium, which was directed by Dr. Mark Berman from Rancho Mirage, California and Dr. Maurice Sherman of San Diego, went to great lengths to explain how cell surgery employing stem cells could be utilized by cosmetic surgeons for aesthetic and therapeutic goals. During the course of the Stem Cell Symposium, the history of stem cell treatment (on an international level) was discussed. Stem cell treatment dates back over 30 years, and although the topic is not without certain inherent controversies, the knowledge that has been gained from research over the decades provides a great deal of potential for current and future application in skin rejuvenation and hair restoration. Dr. Vargas believes that many of her patients will be fascinated to learn how this technology can be applied to their interests at the Vargas Face and Skin Center. Joining Drs. Berman and Sherman in the presentation of the Stem Cell Symposium were Jackie See, MD of Rancho Mirage, Nathan Newman, MD of Beverly Hills, and Sharon McQuillan, MD of Aventura, Florida.
Thursday’s Innovations in Hair Restoration Surgery program, which was led by Dr. Marco Barusco of Port Orange, Florida and Dr. Steven Hopping of Washington D.C., offered an amazing education and discourse on Androgenic alopecia (otherwise known as pattern baldness in both men and women). The primary focus of the hair loss program was on recognizing and diagnosing pattern baldness in men and women, as well as potential treatment strategies that included both medical and surgical therapies. As there is a wealth of new research and related advancements in the field of hair restoration, Dr. Vargas is certain that the knowledge she gained from the Innovations in Hair Restoration Surgery program will be of great interest and benefit at Vargas Face and Skin.
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