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Can’t Grow a Beard? Consider a Hair Transplant

The beard is back, particularly on millennial men. Not all men can grow a full, cheek fuzz, though. That’s why thousands have opted to use a particular hair loss medication to grow their beards. The trend started in the UK, which reportedly helped men enhance their facial hair.

So why can’t some guys reach their beard potential?


Genetics and hormones are major players that affect the growth of your beard. But your health and lifestyle can contribute, as well. Testosterone boosts facial hair. Low testosterone level affects beard growth.

The normal range of testosterone level for men ages 19 to 38 is 264 to 916 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL). Despite having a normal testosterone level, you might not still be able to grow a full beard. Genetic variations, heredity, and ethnicity can define the kind of beard you may have. You’re likely to have a beard like your father or your maternal grandfather.

A study suggests women find men with full beards more attractive than those who are clean-shaven. Bearded men tend to be healthier, as well. Facial hair serves as a protection of the face against ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Less exposure to UV rays slows down the aging process, making you look youthful and wrinkle-free.

Clearly, there is something to letting your beard grow. But if you can’t, try a hair transplant instead of using hair loss medications. The latter could have side effects, such as allergy-like reaction, lower blood pressure, and skin dryness.


Hair transplant is an excellent solution for people who want to fix their patchy beards and make them fuller. Beard transplant is an in-office procedure where a licensed professional takes hair from the back of your head and move them to areas that need more hair.

This procedure allows you to get the beard you want. Bring a photo of the style you like or tell your doctor to give you a beard similar to a specific person’s beard.

The length of the procedure varies, depending on the amount of beard you need.  In some cases, the procedure requires two sessions.

You have two options for the transplant, namely:

  • Strip transplant – the procedure involves stripping hair from the back of the head. The hair follicles are cut into units of placement.
  • Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) – this is a method of taking donor hair by the follicular unit, which involves many small circular incisions.



Once you have decided to undergo a hair transplant, you’ll need a clinic that can give you a natural-looking beard, one that has done facial hair procedures.

Vargas Face and Skin offers hair transplant procedure to address your beard growth problems. We use local anesthesia for the in-office procedure allowing you to get comfortable and relax as you watch a movie or listen to music. It is usual for the treated area to swell and bruise, but this will be resolved within 10 days.

Our team provides both the Strip and FUE transplant. We offer consultation to identify the method that’s suitable for you.

Contact us to schedule an appointment.

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