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Planning for Treatment 

Preparing for Your Laser Treatment

Required Pre-Treatment with Hydroquinone:

  • If you are of certain ethnicity and skin type.
  • If you are having a Laser Resurfacing Treatment.
  • If you are having a Profractional Treatment.
  • If you are having a physician strength Chemical Peel.

No Sun Exposure:

  • Two to four weeks prior to any BBL (BroadBand Light) treatment.
  • Two to four weeks prior to any LHR (Laser Hair Reduction) treatment.

If you have had sun exposure you may still be able to receive treatment.  Please note that if the provider decides it is safe to move forward with treatment the laser setting will be adjusted accordingly for your safety.  This results in less aggressive treatment and may need to be repeated.

Hair Removal

  • For Laser Hair Reduction patients should not wax, tweeze, or use any method a hair removal other than shaving or trimming. 
  • Hair treated during LHR should be visible, but there is no need to grow hair past a quarter inch. 

Medications and Medical Conditions

  • Disclose any medical conditions to determine if you are a candidate for this treatment.
  • Laser is not an appropriate treatment for any patient with medical conditions making them prone to seizures.
  • Any patient who is prone to cold sores will be prescribed an antiviral for Laser Resurfacing treatments.
  • Accutane (prescribed for acne) must be discontinued for at least 6 months prior to laser treatments.
  • Tetracycline type prescriptions must be discontinued for at least 2 weeks prior to laser treatments. 
  • Discontinue use of aspirin or aspirin-containing products 2 weeks prior to any Laser Resurfacing treatment.

Post-Procedure Care: BroadBand Light BBL / Laser Hair Reduction

You can expect the following post treatment:

  • A sunburn-like sensation.
  • Redness and/or slight swelling dissipating within a couple hours after treatment.
  • Razor burn-like effect post-LHR treatments.

Post-Treatment Care

  • This treatment is considered to have no downtime.
  • Makeup and normal skincare can be used after treatment.
  • Discomfort post treatment is minimal, but if needed patient can take Tylenol and ice as needed.
  • Sunscreen should be used on a daily basis between treatments and sun exposure limited.

Post-Treatment Care – Laser Resurfacing

You can expect the following post treatment:

  • A sunburn-like sensation and heat in the treated area.
  • Redness and/or swelling post procedure that varies depending on depth of treatment. 

Post-Treatment Care

  • Wash the treated area with a water-vinegar rinse for the directed amount of days for deeper resurfacings.
  • Wash the treated area with Cetaphil for the directed amount of days for lighter resurfacings
  • Reapply provided ointment/lotion for the directed amount of days.
  • Apply cold compresses as needed to aid in comfort and reduce swelling.
  • Sleep elevated up to five days after procedure to reduce swelling.
  • Do not pick or peel any shedding skin post laser treatment.

Anticipated Downtime By Procedure

  • Nano Laser Peel: one to two days.
  • Micro Laser Peel: three to five days.
  • Profractional: one to four days, depending on depth of treatment.
  • Deep Resurfacing: seven to 14 days, depending on depth of treatment.

Skincare and Makeup

High quality skincare is an investment worth making as it will improve and maintain the results you have achieved though cosmetic procedures.  Our staff and recommend and review products customized to your needs. Mineral Makeup is recommended to use post treatment, especially on healing skin.

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